Chris Fauske asked all colloquium participants to send him a list of the ten most-important relevant sources in their area of scholarship. The result is available here. Eoin and Rick also worked up an annotated bibliography for the readings on New Institutional Economics, which can be accessed from the relevant session on the schedule page.
It was agreed that there was ample interest in a fourth colloquium, tentatively scheduled for 24-26 June 2010. Michael Brown offered a suitable location at Aberdeen (though Joyce Goggin also proposed a canal house in Amsterdam). The consensus was that sessions two and three were successful experiments and that sessions of this basic type should be retained in 2010. It was suggested that the pamphlet session be altered in several ways -- perhaps only a single reading, perhaps all three readings on the same contemporary debate, perhaps readings from a range of genres (including literary). The session on a theme from the recent secondary literature will probably explore something in the area of literarary scholarship about the financial revolution. The consensus was that the current number of participants and papers was just about right.
A bibliography is available, as attached to this page, of works cited at this colloquium.