Thursday, 8 June 2006
Registration, welcome and orientation (Public Library). Chair: C. Ivar McGrath
Tour of the Armagh Public Library
Lunch (D'Averell House, English Street)
2:00 - 4:15
Session I (Ó Fiaich Library). Chair: Michael Brown
- Stephen Timmons—West Country tin mining and the political economy, 1673-1697
- Helen Julia Paul—The Darien Scheme and Anglophobia in Scotland
Tour of the Ó Fiaich Library
Dinner (Zio, Market Place)
Friday, 9 June 2006
10:00 - 12:00
Session II (Ó Fiaich Library). Chair: Alan Downie
- Hugh Goodacre—The "adventure for Irish land": money, power and the roots of the financial revolution
- Natasha Glaisyer—"Venturing fortunes": lotteries and the financial revolution, 1694-1750
Lunch (Stage Bar and Bistro, Market Place Theatre)
2:00 - 4:00
Session III (Public Library). Chair: Eoin Magennis
- Martyn Powell—The politics of credit and debt in Dublin, 1720-1783
- Patrick Walsh—"The sin of withholding tribute": contemporary pamphlets and the professionalization of the Irish revenue service in the early eighteenth century
- Anne Laurence—"I have had considerable losses…by the fall in our money in this kingdom": Mrs. Bonnell's Anglo-Irish business affairs
An Eighteenth-Century Evensong (St. Patrick's Cathedral)
Dinner (Jaflong, Scotch Street)
Saturday, 10 June 2006
9:30 - 11:30
Session IV (Ó Fiaich Library). Chair: Jim Hartley
- Charles Larkin—Charles Davenant and the great re-coinage of 1696: an early modern economist's perspective
- Sean Moore—Edmund Burke's financial publicity: rhetoric, investment, and the state in mid-eighteenth century Britain
12:30 - 2:00
Session V (Public Library). Chair: Chris Fauske
- Working lunch to discuss:
- conference volume
- agenda for future research
Optional communal dinner (Mandarin House Palace, Scotch Street)